Exploring Benefits of Using Alternative Search Engines

12 May 2024


(1) Yagci, Nurce, HAW Hamburg, Germany & nurce.yagci@haw-hamburg.de;

(2) Sünkler, Sebastian, HAW Hamburg, Germany & sebastian.suenkler@haw-hamburg.de;

(3) Häußler, Helena, HAW Hamburg, Germany & helena.haeuessler@haw-hamburg.de;

(4) Lewandowski, Dirk, HAW Hamburg, Germany & dirk.lewandowski@haw-hamburg.de.

Abstract and Introduction

Literature Review

Objectives and Research Questions




Conclusion, Research Data, Acknowledgments, and References


This study provides important insights into whether, although Google is by far the most popular search engine, the use of alternatives could benefit users. Our results show that using another or more than one search engine leads to seeing more diverse search results, allowing users to inform themselves more comprehensively. It should be noted that within each search engine's results, the concentration of sources shows that only a few top sources dominate the results, meaning whichever search engine a user chooses to use will shape what sources the information they get to

see comes from.


Research data is available at: https://osf.io/nt3wv/


This work is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG – Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft; Grant No. 460676551).


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